Tuesday, December 22, 2009

If that cop had pulled me over...

You remind me of a cow...

I Make Friends Easily...

Rumor Mill

Pardon Me...

Arthur Nosegay

Of course I understand women...

Two Things I hate...


This fellow has quite a history. One day I was drawing faces as usual, and I drew a face with no expression. I looked at it for a minute and I thought "Wow, it is a completely expressionless face". Rather miraculously a name popped into my head. "Otto"... Aside from being a palindrome, it also seemed to fit his rounded bald head, etc. Perfect name. So I had this idea. What if I could put Otto in various places where he would be discovered by people. So I duplicated him via photocopier. I made a hundred of them and cut them all out. I would say the dimensions were about a half inch, by an inch, or so. Small. So I was working at this place called DESIGNS BY GWEN at the time. No one there understood my rather crazy and bizarre sense of humor (not sure anyone does), and so I thought I would entertain myself using Otto. I began putting these things everywhere. I kept a pocket full of them and whenever I had a moment, I would put an Otto somewhere. Under the phone reciever, on top of a pile of clothes, inside an important file, under the bosses coffee cup on her desk, etc. It was so much fun to see the confused look on their faces whenever they found another one. Then I began varying the sizes. I'd make one 3"x5" or larger. My largest one was around 12" x 20". I attached that one to the passenger side of my co-worker Ricky Perez's car. Ha ha! I made hundreds of variations of Otto. Below is a few of them. But the one I always went back to was the good old original Otto. I refer to him as an emotional zombie. Ha! I had too much fun with Otto! One time Gwen's mom was sweeping up the floor out in the warehouse and overheard her say "Someone's trying to drive me crazy with these..." I looked down and she was sweeping up 2 or 3 Otto's. LOL!!! One of my favorite art moments! By the way... the original original Otto... the very first one I drew... is lost. I don't know where it is. I had it for a little while, but alas... I don't know where he disappeared to. Variations on a theme:

Golden Years...


 What if something in the sea was "fishing" for us? Hot-dog bait, might do it.

The Real Heroes...

Where's That Giant...

Dell Mellver

I'm not much into politics...

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Humphrey Bogart

Randolph Scott

 The great old western hero Randolph Scott. I painted this for Dad.

Sunday, December 13, 2009


Just a little example of my style.

Two Face

 This is an odd piece.

Robert Pollard of Guided By Voices

 There is a band called Guided By Voices. It is one of may all time favorite bands and influences. The lead guy in that project is Bob Pollard. He is a genius.

Living Lines Abstract


Bob Dylan

 High Contrast Bob.

Green Koala

 Interpret it however you wish. Why a green Koala? Why not?

Bruce Springsteen

Springsteen from 2005. Painted in 2007.

Johnny Cash

 Heeeeere's Johnny!

Willie Nelson

 High contrast Willie Nelson painting.

Dr. King mosaic #1


 This is an interesting item. I drew this very large. Then I cut it up into 24 pieces. Then each student colored one part. Then I reassembled it. It hung in our hallway for a while. Eventually my Vice Principal asked if he could have it. I said sure.


Heeere's Elvis.


I am not a fan of Madonna by any stretch of the imagination. This painting was a request and it came out pretty good, I think.

Karloff's Monster

I painted this for Halloween in 2008. Frankenstein's monster has always fascinated me, especially Boris Karloff's. To me it is legitimately scary.